
Making your yard more efficient, for over 100 years!

Every Second Counts

Farmers began hiring Thein Moving to move agricultural buildings over 100 years ago. Elevators, livery stables, corn cribs, barns, and livestock buildings of all types were moved. One of the biggest reasons for relocating ag buildings in the past is the same reason we move them today: technology.   From horse pulled machinery, to steam engines, to the large tractors of today, technology has driven our farms to become as efficient as possible, saving time and money while increasing productivity.

The Problem

Farmers today cannot be efficient with a 1970 yard. Trying to maneuver semi tractors and large equipment in a congested yard is unproductive, unsafe, and it can be costly, too.
A farmer with 1,000 acres of corn and 1000 acres of beans will probably harvest around 180,000 bushels of corn and 50,000 bushels of beans for a total of 230,000. A semi holds approximately 950 bushels, which is about 243 loads. Hauling grain in, and then hauling it back out to the elevator doubles it to 486 loads.

If it takes just an extra five minutes to back trucks into the yard, or to maneuver in a congested yard, it will add an extra 40.5 hours of driving time per year. Over ten years, that is 405 hours wasted maneuvering trucks. Moving buildings in your yard to accommodate larger equipment and trucks doesn’t cost— it pays.

The Solution

Many farmers have outgrown their yard. If you don’t have room for your grain setup or that new shop because other useable buildings are in the way, move them! And as long as you are moving it, how about add and an extra four feet of height to get your big tractors in!

Efficiency is an extremely important aspect of farming. That is why we have precision planting, auto-steer, larger combines, tractors, and semi-trucks. Add an efficient yard to bring everything together!

We can move and/or raise any size or type of building including corn dryers, bins, or even Great Grandpa’s old barn in the middle of the yard!